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An In-depth guide to New Food Culture

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An In-depth guide to New Food Culture


Gluten is a protein family known as prolamins. Gliadin and glutenin are two proteins present in wheat, barley, rye, and all processed foods. The word ‘gluten’ comes from its glue-like property that forms by mixing wheat with water. Wheat has calories that come from carbohydrates but also contains complex proteins.

Gluten acts as a binding agent and promotes the cohesion of ingredients. We can’t form gluten without water. In fact, the more we mix water into wheat, the more gluten forms. That makes the bread and dough fluffy and light. Without gluten, the bread or pasta would be stiffer and fall apart, and less chewy.

However, if you have trouble digesting it, you should avoid gluten or go gluten-free altogether. The best recommended gluten-free foods are eggs, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

What Is Gluten-Free?

Gluten-free is a meal that does not contain gluten. Without gluten, you are cured of many diseases, like celiac disease, intestinal disorders, and diseases caused by gluten. The peptides in gluten are resistant to stomach acid that is digested poorly. Therefore, avoiding gluten can help to solve the problem. Gluten-free is recommended for gluten-sensitive people.

Gluten is found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley. You are recommended to eat fish, vegetables, rice, meat, or potatoes for a gluten-free diet. If someone has celiac disease, gluten would react with the immune system and damage the gut, so removing gluten from the diet is the only treatment for this disease.

A gluten-free diet may boost energy, reduce chronic diseases, and help lose weight. The gluten source, mainly wheat, boosts bacteria in the digestive system with fructan starches. Therefore, you are advised to eliminate gluten to eliminate bacteria and the diseases associated with these bacteria.

How Do You Flush Gluten Out Of Your Body?

We can get rid of leftover gluten from our bodies by resting, because gluten takes time to eradicate from our bodies naturally. It would be best if you drank sufficient water. Diarrhea removes essential minerals and fluids, so make sure to get hydrated. Improvements can be gradual, but it would help reduce fatigue and brain fog with a gluten-free diet.

When Is Gluten-Free Not Good?

Gluten-free has low vitamin and nutrient content that can cause chronic disorders. You may encounter severe effects from the deficiency of fiber, folate, calcium, iron, and vitamins due to the lack of gluten required for a balanced diet. Diabetes is more likely to occur due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients. People who have celiac disease may have low absorption of minerals and vitamins in the gut due to lack of fiber.

People suffer from an increased level of heavy metals in their urine and blood from excessive rice intake. They may also gain weight by eating unhealthy gluten-free junk food.

There are four risks of a gluten-free diet.

1.     It can cause a lack of fiber. People with celiac disease should eat high fiber even on a gluten-free diet. Buckwheat, amaranth, millet, quinoa, sorghum are all gluten-free but have high fiber content.

2.     One should focus on reducing cardiovascular disease and cancer. A gluten diet has nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that have health effects. Even if people are on a gluten diet, it reduces the risk of diabetes, but going gluten-free hurts diabetes due to lack of these vitamins and minerals.

3.     People often think that they are making a healthy decision by taking a gluten-free diet. They start eating plenty of junk food, like candies, pizza, etc. However, due to it, they gain weight and make the situation even worse.

4.     It may also cause vitamin and mineral deficiency.


What food contain gluten and which are gluten-free?

Here are the details of the food list to check out if you are gluten-sensitive.

  • Gluten-Free diet

The gluten-free diet helps protect you from diseases caused by gluten. There are a variety of foods that you can eat as a proper gluten-free diet.

  • It includes whole grains, vegetables, fruits, beverages, dairy products, fat, and oil. 

However, before buying items, make sure that they do not contain any gluten sources in them by viewing each item in the different food groups.

  • One may take whole grains: millet, sorghum, teff, amaranth, wild rice, buckwheat, arrowroot, quinoa, tapioca, and brown rice. 
  • Gluten is added as a thickener or flavoring ingredient in some processed vegetables and fruits. Otherwise, these are gluten-free naturally,. These fruits are berries, pears, bananas, apples, peaches, and fruits containing citric acid, oranges, and grapefruit.
  • Vegetables that are gluten-free: radishes, onions, bell peppers, green beans, carrots, mushrooms, squash, potatoes, kale, corn broccoli, and cauliflower.
  • You must eat food that contains gluten-free protein, like seafood, poultry, nuts, legumes, and red meat.
  • For a balanced diet, one must eat gluten-free dairy products like yogurt, cheese, milk, butter, cream, and sour cream.
  • Tea, water, coffee, fruit juice 100%, soda, energy drinks, lemonade are all gluten-free beverages that you can enjoy.
  • White vinegar, tamari, apple cider vinegar, coconut aminos, and distilled vinegar are gluten-free condiments, sauces, and spices.
  • Food that contains gluten
  • Wheat, rye, and barley are highly enriched with gluten content.
  • Cakes, soy sauce, fries, beer, soups, cereals, bran, croutons, and some other processed foods have gluten in them.
  • Canned, pre-chopped, dried, and frozen fruits and vegetables need to be double-checked for celiac patients.
  • Similarly, flavored dairy products like ice cream and processed cheese are all gluten sources.
  • Oats do not contain gluten but are contaminated with other oats that contain gluten. It can sometimes cause a reaction, but it is also favorable because there is a protein in oats called avenin, which has beneficial effects.

How Is Gluten Harmful?

Gluten is not a substitute for nutritious food. It is not a source of healthy nutrients, and it is not as beneficial and healthy as nutritious food. Gluten harms patients with celiac disease. Their immune reactions fasten up or damage their intestinal tracts through inflammation.

Today we ingest more gluten, and modern wheat strains are more easily digested than older wheat. Generally, gluten does not harm your health, except for celiac patients who are restricted from using it. In fact, gluten-free have vitamin and nutrient deficiencies.

Still, different individuals react differently, and it appears to be a toxin for them. Wheat is a significant source of gluten because it makes a gluey network when mixed with water that becomes difficult to digest, and you may feel relaxed after vomiting it.

If a sensitive person continues to intake gluten, they may encounter mild (inflammation, diarrhea, fatigue) to severe reactions (intestinal damage, weight loss, malnutrition).

The most adverse effect of gluten is celiac disorder, in which gluten is considered as a foreign invader. In reaction -  an immune reaction attacks the gut that causes anemia and digestive problems.

Constipation, headache, diarrhea, smelly feces, etc., are all symptoms.


What Is Gluten Intolerance?

Gluten sensitivity in non-celiac patients leads to symptoms you face after ingesting gluten. It does not have a long-term effect on your gut and is more common. Joint pain, headache, bloating, fatigue, fuzzy thinking, constipation are the symptoms of gluten insensitivity.

Removing carbohydrates known as FODMAPS from gluten can help to improve this. Placebo effects are common in people that are gluten intolerant. Their health improves by only thinking that they are following a gluten-free diet, even if they are not.

Wheat allergy

Wheat allergy can cause severe anaphylaxis in which the immune system releases antibodies, which can lead to various symptoms. It is diagnosed with a blood test or skin prick. Gluten intolerance is less harmful and does not involve the immune system. 

How Gluten Affects Health?

Everything has a bad and good impact depending on the conditions. We cannot omit anything permanently from our lives. The secret is to know the right amount for a balanced diet and then follow it religiously.

Healthy Benefits of Gluten

Gluten protein is a viscoelastic that helps in the manufacturing of dough and bread. Gluten is associated with wheat, and it may or may not affect health. But still ir varies from person to person.

Most researchers found that people who avoid gluten consumption are at a high risk of heart disorders as well. However, alternatively, some studies have shown improved health results with more usage of gluten.

It is very dangerous if you go gluten-free if you do not have either celiac disease or gluten-sensitivity. It can cause nutritional deficiencies. Gluten is referred to as a prebiotic that forces good bacteria into the body. 

The changes in the number of bacteria can cause intestinal diseases that we can cure by consuming gluten through wheat. Eliminating gluten for the long term may also cause anemia, weight loss, etc. 

Negative Effects of Gluten

It also has some severe effects on some individuals who are sensitive to gluten.

If they continue to consume gluten, they are affected by inflammation due to the continuous attack of gluten on the immune cells.

People with celiac disease have serious effects from even ingesting minor amounts of gluten, like gas, bloating, or constipation. They can also experience a skin rash, anxiety, depression, or weight loss due to gluten.

Celiac disease can also cause infertility and anemia due to the insufficiency of iron and calcium. Furthermore, it can also trigger weight loss, cancer, or nerve disorders. 

We can only prevent this by removing gluten from our diet to reverse the effects. However, you need to ensure that other alternative foods or supplements contain enough nutrients to fulfill the requirement.

People who are intolerant of gluten also suffer from cognitive impairment. Gluten causes inflammation in the brain and also affects the brain negatively.

Doctors suggest cutting off gluten from your diet and replacing it with a nutritious diet even if you are not gluten intolerant.

You will suffer from abdominal pain, bloating, or gas if you start ingesting gluten. Problems also arise from the carbohydrates in wheat, like blood sugar. 

Other proteins in wheat germ agglutinin and amylase trypsin inhibitor can also become the reason for your illness. Not only gluten, but also avoiding wheat is a solution to get rid of all these problems.

An immune-inflammatory response by gluten also causes dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Dermatitis herpetiformis is a skin disease that is gluten-related as well, which causes a red rash, and blisters at the age of twenty. 

Some people are sensitive to gluten without being celiac patients. It is a non-celiac gluten condition. Stomach pain, bloating, depression and tiredness are symptoms of gluten sensitivity.

Gluten is not the only problem of all these health issues but can be one. So avoiding gluten can probably reduce these problems. Remaining gluten-free is the only solution as it stays in your body for weeks, and a small amount can disturb your digestive system completely.

What Is The Treatment?        

Besides eluding gluten, there are some other ways you can try to avoid diseases that occur due to gluten, especially celiac disease.

  • Drinking plenty of water can eliminate the gluten as it stays for weeks. It would be best if you ate more healthily. 
  • It would be best to be vaccinated because celiac disease can also damage the spleen and make you more vulnerable to infection.
  • You may take vitamins or supplements to fulfill your deficiencies that can cause anemia and repair the digestive system.
  • Steroids are recommended in refractory celiac disease, which can be caused even after taking a gluten-free diet.

What Are Gluten-Free Substitutes?

Some foods have a lower amount of gluten in them that you can replace as gluten-free substitutes. For example, Faro has a low content of gluten that quinoa can replace. 

Similarly, replacing couscous with brown or white rice, semolina with corn or potato, bulgur with sorghum, spelled with amaranth, etc., can solve the enormous problem. You may consult your dietitian for a healthy diet plan that is gluten-free.

Effective Education

It is fundamental to educate people about a healthy diet and its benefits. We should enlighten people about what gluten actually is, where it is present, and why it is harmful.

Gluten is a protein that damages your gut and causes intestinal disorders, mainly celiac disease. It is present in some grains like wheat, barley, oats, and processed foods. It becomes poison for people sensitive to gluten or even those who do not have celiac disease but are gluten-insensitive.

That means it affects almost half of the population worldwide. We must be aware of this problem and strictly follow the preventive measures, and spread awareness.

Celiac patients must follow a gluten-free diet. Although it is challenging, making it a lifetime habit is the only cure for a healthy life.

People with celiac disease must be aware of their meals because gluten is a hidden ingredient in most packaged foods. People mostly get outdated or inaccurate information about GFD (gluten-free diet) and CD (celiac disease) and they remain unaware of the fact that they are eating unhealthy food.

The condition is different for each patient, but cooperative teamwork between your doctor and a nutritionist can work it out.


  • First of all, watch what diet you are taking. Like meat, fish, nuts, eggs, etc. these are naturally gluten-free foods.
  • You must not consume any processed food to avoid gluten. As a matter of fact, you should avoid malt, vinegar, malt extract, rye, wheat, barley, and others because these are the core sources of gluten. 
  • You can keep an eye on what foods you can replace with gluten-free food if it contains even less gluten in it, by asking your dietitian.
  • Only 10 mg (milligrams) per day of gluten consumption is suggested for celiac patients. 
  • It is essential to check for cross-contamination in food. You should eat more natural food. Replace your diet with nutrient-dense foods. 
  • Consider a section of the pantry for the gluten-free pantry. Learn the names of wheat. 
  • You must limit processed foods. Lunchmeat, sausages, and baked items have hidden gluten in them. 
  • Focus on more natural food products like fruits, and vegetables. Gluten-free food has a high content of sugar, fat, and sodium that regulate products. 
  • It would help if you strictly relied on homemade food. A gluten-free diet may also have cross-contamination and can be expensive. 
  • Stock your kitchen with natural foods and plan a week's eating schedule. Legumes, eggs, fish, nuts and seeds are recommended because they can fulfill your body's nutritional requirements and keep you healthy.
  • You should avoid gluten condiments and join gluten-free groups. 
  • Make it your habit of label reading every time you buy. 
  • Most of all, be ready to consult your doctor.

Final words

Everything has good and bad effects depending on the condition. Gluten has fiber, minerals, and vitamins that lower the risk of diabetes and are beneficial for health, but gluten also has some bad effects. 

It lacks essential nutrients and is worse for people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten-insensitive. Eating any source is strictly unadvisable. Initially, it is challenging but going gluten-free is the only cure. 

You must consult your dietitian before taking or omitting any ingredient from your diet because it is a matter of your health that is precious, and it should be your top priority. 

Gluten-Free: what does it exactly refer to?

Gluten is a naturally occurring protein found in some grains such as barley, wheat, triticale, rye, and oats. It works as a binding catalyst that gives dough its sponginess and elasticity. It also sets out symmetry, tinge, texture, shape, and firmness. It's the strength & stretchy quality of gluten that does not let the dough of pizza or bread get to rip apart under normal circumstances.

You might have heard of the term "gluten-free," a.k.a GF, either from your friends & family or from media. This term has confused many people as they understood it as a special diet plan designed to control weight. Going for a gluten-free diet is a way of adopting a particular eating plan that puts body embargo on all edibles and foodstuffs that contain gluten.

But in August 2013, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a definition for the terminology "gluten-free" to clear the air regarding food labeling.

The criteria of food to be labeled as gluten-free, the FAD states that food items must not contain gluten more than 20 parts per million (ppm).

The option of selecting 20 ppm over zero ppm is because the most recent and advanced technology has not proven to accurately and verily measured the gluten presence below 20 ppm. Less than 20 ppm is the least considerable quantity of gluten to be taken by any individual having a medical condition with ingestion of gluten without showing any adverse health effects.

In reality, it is gluten-free diet is nothing but one of the ways of eating that is beneficial to improve your gut and put your digestive system on the road to recovery from damage. And ultimately you can get all the essential nutrients you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

When a Food Product Labelled as "Gluten-Free"?

A food product is considered gluten-free when it includes:

  • Fewer than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten_As per the Food and Drug Administration rules.
  • A synthetically prepared food that doesn't have gluten-containing ingredient
  • Naturally gluten-free foodstuff
  • Food that is not cross-contaminated with ingredients containing gluten protein
  • Food having gluten-containing ingredients that have been gone through a procedure to remove gluten

What makes the same food sometimes gluten-free and sometimes not?

Labeling a food product truly free from gluten massively depends on where the food is manufactured. Several food items are free from gluten in nature, but they cannot always get the label of being called gluten-free. The integral reason behind this is that such food products have been contaminated when they were processed in a factory with gluten-containing products. For example, oats are naturally gluten-free but when are processed in the same factory where other grains like spelled, wheat berries, and farina are processed, hence are not considered gluten-free.

What does gluten do within the digestive tract?

gluten is commonly found in carbohydrates food like pizza, bread, and pasta, and so on. Gluten on the gross level doesn't provide any essential nutrients to the body. It is only the protein that remains indigestible through the process of digestion.

The effect of gluten on the body fairly depends on how your body responds and reacts to gluten. For those of you who are not suffering from gluten-related disorders or celiac disease, gluten passes through the gastrointestinal tract without causing any symptoms. It doesn't have any negative effect on most people. However, gluten ingestion can become the matter of life and death in those people who are suffering from gluten-related disorders, where it triggers and stimulates the immune reaction that has the potential of creating fatal consequences. If people with celiac disease do not consider adopting a gluten-free diet and keep on eating gluten-rich foodstuffs, their digestive system will be damaged in such a way that it will not be able to absorb any kind of nutrients from food altogether.


Prominent Sources of Gluten

Pure wheat grains and wheat flour are the most obvious sources of gluten. All classes and variance of wheat contain a considerable amount of gluten such as

  • Wheat starch
  • Wheat bran
  • Wheat germ
  • Farina, milled version of wheat used in hot cereals
  • Durum
  • Triticale, a cross between wheat and rye
  • Semolina, milled version of wheat used for making pasta
  • Phosphate flour
  • Couscous
  • Spelt
  • Cracked Wheat
  • Einkorn
  • Emmer
  • Kamut

Rye grains

  • Barley grains
  • Bulgur

Concealed sources of gluten

  • Oats_they are gluten-free in their pure form but when processed with wheat products pick up a trace amount of gluten. This makes oats a hidden source of gluten protein.

Other unexpected and less obvious sources of gluten are

  • Soya sauce
  • Monosodium glutamate
  • Barley malt
  • Beverages_when they are not labeled as gluten-free
  • Coffee beverages
  • Malt beverages
  • Malt vinegar
  • Veggie burgers
  • Frozen meals
  • Soba noodles
  • Licorice-type chewy candies

Is gluten protein unsafe for you?

Well, the brief answer is no, but when it comes down to food and planning diet, a brief answer cannot do the appropriate justice and further explanation is needed. Gluten consumption is only unsafe for those who are suffering from celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and wheat allergy. Just like other food allergies, people with wheat allergy experience hives and breathing difficulties when eating wheat. People with such conditions have no option but to eat a gluten-free diet. But the rest of the human population can eat gluten-containing foods as it's completely safe out of all aspects.

Gluten-free Food: the Next trillion dollar Industry

You might be wondering what can be the possible motivation that's driving the gluten-free food industry to boom? The inspiration behind this next successful billion-dollar industry is the shift in the approach of health and wellness itself and its role and influence within culture.

Over time, people have shifted themselves away from an unenthusiastic, arbitrary, passive, reactive, and submissive mindset of wellness to one that is more experience-based, action-oriented, optimistic, holistic, proactive, and self-assured.

This cultural shift has incorporated the concept of "quality of life" with "health" from reactive health to proactive wellness. Consumers are trying out a variety of diets to learn about food ideologies, self-assess, self-manage, take care of health concerns, and feel better about their bodies and food.

Healthy food is the new medicine. And good digestion if the core of all wellness which you can easily see in the skyward sales revenue of gluten-free products.

Is Gluten-Free Diet Legitimately Healthy?

When we talk about the health-related benefits of gluten-free food and diet plan, we get opinions from all directions and perspectives. Some people consider it a more nutritious way of eating consisting of more vitamins and minerals. They assume that if a food is free from something, that something must be not that healthy. Meanwhile, some folks say that gluten-free food items on average are less fortified with folic acid and minerals such as iron as compared to conventional foods. Some used to believe that gluten is a protein in wheat, which supports energy to millions of people around the world. While some consider it a toxin that destroys our digestive systems. Some believe it's expensive, a trendy hype, and difficult to manage. Some say it absolutely pays off what it is worth. It can never go unnoticed that gluten-free foods have less fiber, more sugar & carbohydrates, And last but not more fats. Additives are also used to enhance the taste and texture.

Reasons to Go Gluten-free

A gluten-free diet is not for everyone. Yes, it's a modified version of meeting your hunger. But it is, at the end of the argument  a special diet. Switching over to a gluten-free diet is essential for some.


To Preside Over the Celiac Disease (CD)

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that is affecting almost one to two percent of the total population around the whole world. CD is the most commonly occurring chronic immune-mediated disorder that is stimulated by the ingestion of gluten protein.

Antibodies in the gut of such individuals respond to the presence of gluten and react aggressively causing the cells to attack and break the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract mainly the intestine.



Now what really happens is that the broken and damaged intestines cannot and in some severe chronic cases completely stop absorbing a variety of nutrients such as iron, folic acid, and calcium, which drives to long-life complications such as osteoporosis and anemia. Celiac disease has also got its associated with other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes politics type 1, thyroiditis psoriasis, vitiligo, autoimmune hepatitis, and more.

when an individual suffering from celiac disease eats any food containing gluten, he may encounter and brought to pass through the following classic symptoms;

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Lethargic
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight Loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Ostealgia (pain in bones)
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • Constipation
  • impaired growth in children under 2 years of age

Unfortunately, there is no cure for celiac disease, and it cannot be treated like other diseases. The only choice you have is to manage it by following a promising gluten-free diet throughout the rest of your life. Adopting a strict gluten-free diet allows the small intestine to get time to heal in a better way, so it revives and becomes able to absorb nutrients which on the whole limits the long-term associated complications.

To manage dermatitis herpetiformis (DH)

The other name of dermatitis herpetiformis is Duhring-Brocq disease. it’s one of the forms of celiac disease that triggers and sparks off the immune system of the skin, in preference over to that of the digestive tract. GH has got no association with the herpes virus; this skin condition has given this name as the appearance of the rash is similar to that of herpes.

 DH results in a chronic blistering skin autoimmune medicated condition. This disease presents with skin lesions which most of the time are itchy, blistering rashes, and bumpy hives. These rashes and hives are used to be quite painful.

The rash of DH usually has an expressive and symmetrical distribution_such as if you develop a rash on your right arm, chances are high that you might develop a similar rash on your left arm as well.

The most common areas of the body which are affected by DH are;

  • elbows
  • knees
  • ankles
  • buttocks
  • scalp


If people with GH don't stop eating food containing gluten, they are at great risk of developing intestinal cancer. Once this celiac disease of the skin is diagnosed, the most effective treatment is to follow a gluten-free diet. This diet does wonders to improves skin rashes and hives. However, skin lesions may take months to years to get fad away.

To keep the Gluten Ataxia away from the door

Gluten ataxia is a rare autoimmune disease where the immune system of the body is stimulated and triggered against its own nervous system as the result of eating gluten-containing foods. It can have an association with celiac disease as well as non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Gluten ataxia causes irreversible damage to the brain (cerebellum). This part of the brain is responsible for the balance and coordination of complex movements. When people with gluten ataxia eat gluten, they may experience the following symptoms;


  • Trouble speaking
  • Gait abnormally
  • Tingling in hands & feet
  • Trouble in moving and rolling eyes
  • Difficulty in swallowing


Early diagnosis and treatment with a gluten-free diet can limit progression and prevent the advancement of gluten ataxia. The gluten-free diet has proven to bring noticeable improvement in ataxic symptoms by preventing further cerebellum damage.

To control Gluten Sensitivity

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) or gluten sensitivity (GS) is a condition associated with intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms that result takes place upon ingestion of gluten-containing food items in the absence of celiac disease and any wheat allergy. People with GS experience celiac disease-like symptoms but they don't have any gluten-related autoimmune medicated disorder.

The prevalence rate of NCGS is 6 to 10 times higher than that of celiac disease, which makes it more common than CD. Symptoms of GS sound similar to those of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which include the following;


  • Abdominal bloating
  • Upper or lower abdominal pain
  • Chronic diarrhea or Constipation
  • Alternative bowel habits
  • Nausea
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Aphthous stomatitis
  • Extra-intestinal symptoms may b following
  • Headache
  • Migraine/ Foggy mind
  • generalized lethargy
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Skin rash
  • Anemia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Attention deficit hyperactive disorder ( ADHD)
  • Autism


Gluten sensitivity works the similar way as lactose intolerance_the incapability to digest or metabolize lactose_except that it’s the gluten that is not capable of metabolization by the body. So people with such conditions experience gastrointestinal distress whenever they eat gluten. Gluten-sensitive people get relief from symptoms once and for all by excluding all gluten from their diet.

To alleviate the symptoms caused by a wheat allergy

All the detrimental effects caused by wheat and any of its derivatives fall into the category of wheat allergies. Just like other forms of allergies, wheat allergy makes the immune response stimulate and electrify an allergic reaction. Allergy caused by wheat is not the same as a gluten allergy. People with a wheat allergy don’t encounter gastrointestinal distress on ingestion of wheat products but on the other side of the coin they experience allergic symptoms such as;


  • Watery eyes
  • Swelling
  • Hives
  • Rashes
  • Runny nose
  • Anaphylactic shock (in serious cases)

Wheat allergies have been observed in more common in children than adults and most likely subsides, tail off, & die out with age. People with such allergies simply cut and avoid eating wheat products.

Gluten-free diet: How to drive towards gluten-free

Excluding gluten from the diet is not a cake path. A gluten-free diet is not kids play to easily stick with. It's expensive. It demands attention. It demands patience. It demands care as a little wrong step in planning your diet plan can simply put you at risk of missing out on essential nutrients.

You can switch to a gluten-free diet by finding some safe substitute for gluten.

Foods that are healthy and safe to eat include:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Raw meat
  • Poultry
  • Fish and seafood
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Flax
  • Arrowroot
  • Teff
  • Chia
  • Rice_its one of the best sources of carbohydrates which has the potential to become a substitute for gluten-containing gains. Don’t forget to check the label to see if it's cross-contaminated.
  • Gluten-free oats
  • Nut flours
  • Yucca
  • Tapioca and more

Foods that are unhealthy and unsafe to eat 

All the following foods are unsafe and harmful for those who are managing gluten-related disorders if they are not labeled as gluten-free;

  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Pizza
  • Biscuits
  • Pastries
  • Pies
  • Cereals

The bottom line

The gluten-free diet has earned its reputation globally among all kinds of people such as those with gluten-related disorders to those who by their personal choice want to stick to highly processed personalized eating and special diets.

Going Gluten-free shows the overall passion for acquiring a top-tier quality food experience in a full of get-up-and-go ways to experiment with taste, selfdom, statecraft, and food culture.



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